Friday, October 16, 2009

The 21 Irrefutable LAws of Leadership

Saya sedang membaca buku The 21 Irrefutable LAws of Leadership dan amat tertarik mengenai pelbagai persoalan dalam kempimpinan. Persembahannya menarik dan amat berkait rapat dengan realiti wlaupun persekitarannya di Amerika. Banyak sudah saya membaca buku mengenai kepimpinan, tetapi buku ini berbeza. Terima kasih Ho yang meminjamkan buku ini dan yang lucunya dia pun tak baca lagi.
Here... i like to share :
The 21 Irrefutable LAws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

The Law of...

1. the lid - Leadership abiility determines a person's level of effectiveness
2. influence - The true measure of leadership is influence - nothing more
nothing less
3. process - leaderships developes daily, not in a day
4. navigation - anyone can steer the ship, but it takes leader to chart the course
5. additiom - leader add value by serving others
6. solid ground - true is the foudation of leadership
7. respect - people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves
8. intuition - leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.
9. magnetism - who you are is who you attract
10. connection - leaders touch a heart before they ask for hand
11. the innner circle - a leader's potential is determined y those closest to him

.... bersambung masih membaca lagi

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